Channing Smith
All ministry is pastoral. In my 30+ years of ordained ministry, I have both learned this and lived into this value. In addition, I believe deeply in the healing and transformational presence of God in our lives and in the life of the church. Through pastoral care and accountability, I have seen the Spirit change and heal painful experiences in church communities. During my ministry, I have chaired three different school boards and believe deeply in the importance of governance, roles and responsibilities. Having been trained in inquiry-driven leadership, I bring a curiosity and an interest to know and learn more about a situation while including everyone within the group to share their perspective. I have had diocesan experience serving on the standing committees of two different dioceses as well as chairing a diocesan stewardship committee for 5 years. It is personally important for me to continue to expand the reach of the Episcopal church and encourage the practice of racial healing and increased diversity. My previous parish was active in this work being one of the first congregations in the Episcopal Diocese of Texas to participate in Project Curate. As of January of this year, I began serving as rector of All Saints by the Sea in Montecito, CA.