A034 Promoting Equitable Formation for Future Church Leaders through Dismantling Racism and Achieving Racial Justice and Healing Education in Seminaries and Schools of Theological Education

Acknowledging the profound and urgent need to address systemic racism and promote dismantling racism and achieving racial justice and healing within the Episcopal Church and the wider society, we recognize that the formation of future church leaders holds immense potential to create lasting change. As a Church, we are called to embody the teachings of Christ by promoting justice, inclusion, and healing. To further these goals, we propose the implementation of dismantling racism and achieving racial justice and healing training as a requirement in seminaries and schools of theological education. 

We request the Presiding Bishop and the President of the House of Deputies to establish a task force comprising theological educators, experts in anti-racism work, and representatives from diverse communities within the Church. This task force will collaborate with seminaries and schools of theological education to develop comprehensive dismantling racism and achieving racial justice and healing curricula that are theologically sound, contextually relevant, and culturally sensitive.

We urge seminaries and schools of theological education to regularly assess and review the effectiveness of their dismantling racism and achieving racial justice and healing training programs. Seminaries and schools of theological education shall provide annual reports to the Episcopal Church indicating progress, challenges, and adjustments made to enhance the impact of the training.

We encourage dioceses and provinces to support their seminaries and schools of theological education in implementing dismantling racism and achieving racial justice and healing training. Dioceses are encouraged to allocate resources, both financial and human, to aid in the development and sustained execution of these programs.

Reporting and Sharing Best Practices

We request the task force established in Section 2 to compile and share best practices, resources, and case studies related to dismantling racism and achieving racial justice and healing training. This information shall be disseminated through official Episcopal Church channels to facilitate learning and collaboration among seminaries and schools of theological education and dioceses.

Implementation Timeline

All Episcopal seminaries and schools of theological education are strongly encouraged to integrate the required dismantling racism and achieving racial justice and healing training into their curricula within the next academic year following the adoption of this resolution. We affirm our commitment to eradicating racism within the Episcopal Church and beyond. By requiring dismantling racism and achieving racial justice and healing training in seminaries and schools of theological education, we reaffirm our dedication to nurturing clergy and lay leaders who are equipped to lead with compassion, justice, and an unwavering commitment to dismantling systemic racism.