A084 Join The Communion Forest Initiative

God’s precious gift of Creation is under threat due to pollution and subsequent climate change and is at risk of collapse. As the Body of Christ, Episcopalians everywhere have an obligation and responsibility to act in accordance with the teaching of Christ and our Holy Scripture in preserving and nurturing our planet. In 2022, the Lambeth Conference launched the Anglican Communion Forest Initiative to join together in tree growing and ecosystem conservation, protection and restoration throughout the world. The initiative, which is a global response encouraging local work, is a way for members of the Anglican Communion to come together both in prayer and action to engage science-based responses to climate change through the lens of our shared faith. The initiative offers resources to incorporate planting trees into liturgical practice and sacraments, such as baptism and marriage, to eradicate the often-ambiguous relationship the Church has with nature. Our faith teaches us that God made all things, and therefore we must steward and care for all of Creation.