A131 Creation of a Supplement to The Hymnal 1982

In the twenty years since the most recent Episcopal hymnal supplement was published, there has been a vast amount of creative work in the composition of hymns, hymn tunes, and service music. Furthermore, there is a need for greater availability of global hymnody for use in worship. The inclusion of more hymns and service music by women and other underrepresented voices also remains a priority as the church seeks greater equity, diversity, and inclusion. Finally, more hymns addressing underrepresented topics such as creation care are urgently needed.

The canons charge the SCLM with collecting material bearing upon possible future revisions of The Hymnal 1982 and other musical publications, as well as encouraging the composition of new musical materials. A hymnal supplement would further this work by making new hymns and service music widely available for use and evaluation. Budgeted funding would include hiring professional consultants whose work would be overseen by the commission, as well as all pre-publication work and costs, including evaluation and selection of materials, producing digital manuscripts, and handling copyright permissions.