D023 Support for the Association for Episcopal Deacons

According to the Church Pension Group, there are now over 3000 deacons in The Episcopal Church. The diaconate is the fastest growing order of ordained ministry in the Church.

The exponential expansion of the diaconate has outpaced the growth of AED’s infrastructure, and AED’s current financial model is not sustainable for this level of growth. Tremendous increases in cost of conferences since COVID and increased costs for staff benefits have added additional financial strain to the organization.

Recognizing this, AED is undergoing a financial model revision, exploring new funding bases, restructuring membership, and seeking sponsorships for events. AED believes this expansion is going to continue, and that the diaconate is essential to the vitality and mission of the future church.

As the sole professional organization for Episcopal deacons, AED is called upon to represent this order at all churchwide gatherings and to serve as a resource for programs and liturgies for those gatherings. This presence demands significant resources of the organization and of individual deacons, who often fund their own travel and related expenses.

While some deacons now receive a $25 a month stipend from their congregation or diocese to enable them to participate in the many programs and benefits of the Church Pension Group, the majority of deacons fund their formation, ministries, and on-going professional development out of their own pockets.

AED has, to date, been the primary resource to The Episcopal Church for:

  • Developing and curating resources for dioceses on how to initiate and best maintain diaconal programming. 
  • Providing a web-based storehouse of diaconal formation and supervision resources. 
  • Connecting deacons and those engaging in diakonia from all orders by the publication of a magazine Diakoneo, and eNewsletter, Deacon Update. 
  • Gathering Deacon Directors and Archdeacons for an annual learning lab for development of new best practices to address current diaconal issues. 
  • Convening a Triennial Conference for networking and professional development.
  • Collaborating with the Fund for the Diaconate and in the development of diaconal theology worldwide. Ecumenical work includes a deacon working in Romania with the Orthodox Church for several years, participating in the international diaconal forums DOTAC (Diakonia of the Americas and Caribbean) and Diakonia World Federation, and maintaining a warm partnership for action with Anglican Deacons Canada. 
  • Articulating in all forums our response to the church’s challenges when viewed through a diaconal lens. 

AED needs support from the Church to continue current programs and increase its reach and presence.