A148 Amend Canons to Underscore Support for the Episcopal Coalition for Racial Equity and Justice

In response to the Presiding Officers’ Working Group on Truth-Telling, Reckoning, and Healing, the 80th General Convention created the Episcopal Coalition for Racial Equity and Justice as a voluntary association of Episcopal dioceses, parishes, organizations, and individuals dedicated to the work of becoming Beloved Community (2022-A125). 

2022-A125 further directed that the income from one tenth of The Episcopal Church’s unrestricted trusts and endowments be used to fund, in part, the work of the Coalition. The rate of the income draw is to be equal to the draw percentage applied to fund the Church’s budget as determined by the Executive Council.

This resolution, jointly proposed by the Presiding Bishop and the President of the House of Deputies and endorsed by the Constituting Group created under 2022-A125 underscores the support for the Episcopal Coalition for Racial Equity and Justice voted by the 80th General Convention by adding new canonical language to the Constitution and Canons. It further clarifies, by canon, that the Episcopal Coalition for Racial Equity and Justice will report on its financial statements and programmatic work to every regular meeting of the General Convention.