A153 Change to House of Deputies Debate Rules

The 80th General Convention tested this approach, receiving overwhelmingly positive feedback. This new method introduces a well-structured and equitable process for considering amendments. The system guarantees a fair and transparent evaluation of proposed changes by reviewing amendments in the order they are submitted to the Secretary and Deputies.

It also is a fair and equal process. Deputies do not need to “race” to the queue to login to submit amendments. The race disadvantages deputies who are sitting far away from the platforms, have mobility challenges, or difficulty standing.

One of the key benefits of this approach is that Deputies will have ample time to review all upcoming amendments, enabling them to gain a comprehensive understanding of what they will be voting on and adequately prepare for discussions. This increased clarity, and preparation fostered more informed and productive deliberations during the Convention.

Furthermore, the new process clarifies how questions are managed on the Convention floor. This ensures that the rules on questions are clear.